53 Div. officer embarks on dog sled adventure

A local Toronto Police commander will embark on a four-day mid-winter dog sledding adventure next February as part of his on-going efforts to raise money for TPS Victims Services Toronto.  Staff Inspector Heinz Kuck will have an experienced guide as he covers 100 kilometres of frozen terrain in Algonquin Park. Over the past two years, Staff Kuck and his colleagues at 53 Division have paddled the 56-kilometer journey from Niagara-on-the-Lake to Lakeshore Promenade in Mississauga twice, raising $35,000 for VST, which provides crisis response, trauma and support services to victims of crime and sudden tragic circumstances 24 hours daily. Now the veteran of 35 years with police service will try something equally challenging with the help of  guide Jamie Sands of Chocpaw Expeditions. More