Can ice storm chill out bad feelings about Mayor?

As the human hardship caused by this inhuman ice storm grips our attention, there is a second story unfolding inside the headline grabber. It is how Rob Ford is trying, and quite possibly succeeding, to rehabilitate his image across a city that absolutely had had enough of him.  It’s been an authoritative and newsy briefing (or more) a day for Mr. Ford, with highly visual visits to repair locales, beleaguered homeowners and warming centres. “Have you got blankets for them,” the mayor inquires as he strides into this venue recorded by CTV Toronto a couple of nights ago. Of course they had blankets. But this guy knows it counts that you thought about and most importantly said it. Out loud. And then we had the cot testing scene where the rotund chief magistrate had the wit to joke about his weight. Can all or any of this get Ford re-elected? We think that is doubtful. But we can be sure it helped in some quarters. “It’s an ill wind” as the saying has it.