Christopher Peloso found dead, police say

Christopher Peloso has been found dead. Mr. Peloso was the husband of George Smitherman. Police said this morning they have found the body but had no other comment.  An announcement was made on Twitter by Mr. Smitherman. He said “We will celebrate his life and we will find comfort somehow in knowing that he has found peace from the depression that has wreaked havoc on his mind.” The Toronto Star story said that Peloso’s relatives in his hometown, Sudbury, had no comment Sunday evening. When he went missing in September, his mother, Mary Ann, said, “The first thing I thought was he needed a break, he needed to get away for a bit . . . But as things went on longer and longer, we got concerned something had happened.” She also described Peloso as a “perfectionist,” “very patient” and “very loving. He has been a wonderful father with the kids.” His father Reno said Peloso and Smitherman’s marriage was a happy one, “with its high and low points, just like a typical marriage.” Star  The pictures shown of Mr. Peloso were provided by Mr. Smitherman and transmitted by Twitter. They show Mr. Peloso’s daughter by a previous marriage and two children adopted by he and Mr, Smitherman.