Excited politicos to blow billions on “transit”

The truth at last. It comes in the form of a report from something called the Neptis Foundation, a Toronto-based planning body. It sears both provincial and city politicians for trying to buy votes with billion dollar projects that are unnecessary. Neptis report author Michael Schabas blows away the idea of a Scarborough subway. Get people downtown from the east by electrifying the GO lines and clearing the rails for faster frequent service, he says. Schabas claims the much ballyhooed  Downtown Relief Line is a multi-billion dollar madness that will never pay for itself. The report is in the Toronto Star. It comes on the same day that Premier Wynne’s transit commission, headed by Anne Golden, is expected to recommend  a five-cent a litre gas tax, corporate taxes and a land-value capture (the term just gives one a bad feeling). Maybe they plan to “capture” people and rob them.  Neptis report