Free food seekers upset as cards gone instantly

Ontario’s ever present compassion, well-soaked in political ambition, has resulted in demand for the so-called food cards that far outstrips supply. Centres across Toronto opened this morning at 8.30 a.m. to find hundreds of people waiting, many of them having been there since 7 a.m. Each centre had 100 cards and they were gone in seconds. It was an entirely predictable outcome. Deputy Mayor Kelly and others have been interviewed saying the program was put together on short notice. Short notice, but no one cares. All sorts of people blame the City for “not telling me sooner”. The lineups are filled with annoyed and expectant people. They say there is no security. They are arguing with each other, it is said, about why the other guy is there. It’s really too bad. But it did not require a cynic to see it coming. When the Premier ruminates on television about food for the vulnerable with no questions asked, there will be a huge rush to grab some. In all of this, individuals in apparent need are being interviewed on CP24. One woman, Sheri, told a story to reporter Jackie Crandall which prompted people to call the station offering money and similar aid. Picture shows Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly speaking with police after people were upset and, it seems, out of order because the food cards were gone. Jenny Yuen, Twitter