Galen G. Weston business newsmaker of 2013

Galen G. Weston
The Canadian Press has named Galen G. Weston, 41, as its Business Newsmaker of the Year for 2013. Mr. Weston is the executive chairman of Loblaws. He was the choice of news executives by a margin of 22 percent among all the nominees. Second place was taken by BCE chief George Cope. Galen Weston won the annual selection process for his role in one of the biggest takeovers in the country’s retail history (Shoppers Drug Mart) and his strong stance on the need for change in Bangladesh after the Dhaka factory collapse in April. Canadians see the value system in place at Loblaws stores every day, where the company’s many locations are staffed with the larger interests of the community in mind. In recent recent years Loblaws has been instrumental in the renovation of Maple Leaf  Gardens.