Is the NDP too angry, too hairy or too orange?

The next general election is at least 18 months away but the smell of urgent vote-grabbing is in the air. Homeowners in Toronto-Centre received this orange card in the mail Friday, four days after the byelection that elected Chrystia Freeland. Its colour makes it look like it’s from the NDP but of course it is not. The “registered agent” of the Liberal party, whoever that is, sent it along. Seems like Linda McQuaig came a little too close in the byelection. This card was to remind you that Thomas Mulcair is “Too Angry.”  They might have added too hairy as well, but that would be politically incorrect in more ways than one. Linda McQuaig, said the card, wants to tax you up to 70 percent and “”break up” the country. Then there’s Stephen Harper trying to woo the Jewish vote by addressing and playing for those attending the annual Negev dinner. Outside, a renegade Jewish group called Harper down on everything from Palestinian lands to the environment.  Always remember however, that Justin Trudeau, champion of the Middle Class, is not in favour of the Political Class. How sweet of him to pick us instead of those dreadful, pooey political people.