You say it’s time for the government to admit that it should just get out of the mail business altogether. You fume that if it can’t deliver the mail at least a couple of days a week, it is a useless money wasting anachronism. Yes, they could turn over what’s left of the business to private enterprise. If Revenue Canada needs to send a dunning notice, they could hire a for-profit courier service. Ah but did you know that Canada Post owns the right to deliver mail? That’s right. It’s illegal for FedEx or anyone else to deliver a letter to you. No no. Parcels okay, but not mail. Nor will Canada post permit honest local business people to deliver mail for whatever money they can make at it. That’s owned by Canada Post. Like a jealous boyfriend they say that if they can’t have the mail, no one else is going to have it. Look, just play ball with Canada Post and find your way to a lovely ice-covered community mailbox located God-knows-where. What’s wrong with that?