OPG fires three top executives for overspending

The rich and creamy gravy train at the government power authority ran smack off the tracks today when three top executives were fired from the their cushy positions. The Ontario Power Generation was directed by the Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli to dismiss two vice presidents, internal audit and strategic initiatives, and the corporation’s chief financial officer. The action came on the same day that the provincial auditor, Bonnie Lysyk, released a report that condemned the OPG for a system of remuneration that is five times richer than the rest of the public sericie in Ontario. Compensation packages at OPG are “significantly more generous” than for comparable positions in the civil service, and have a financial impact on the cost of electricity.  Lysyk concluded citizens pay much more than they should for electricity because 62 percent of OPG staff make more than $100,000. Ms. Lysyk scores the OPG as a top-heavy bureaucracy of executives one of whom is said to have billed $392,000 in moving expenses. Talk about the careless use of other Peoples Money. The top five OPG executives would be eligible for annual pensions of up to $760,000 when they retire. Lysyk also found that OPG is rife with nepotism. The auditor discovered about 12 per cent of OPG employees — or 1,400 staffers — reside at 700 addresses “indicating that they were most likely family members.”