“Play It Never Entered My Mind Maestro”

Premier Wynne and Deputy Mayor Kelly emerged from their meeting today to face the usual barrage of not very illuminating questions. “Is this the beginning of a new era between the City and Queen’s Park, Premier?” Sure. Perhaps it never crossed the mind of either leader in  their tete a tete that Mr. Kelly’s recently revealed game of footsy with Porter Airlines president Robert DeLuce (top) is an emerging issue in the City. It certainly never occurred to the media. Our question for the member for Don Valley West (that would be Premier Kath) is whether she and the deputy mayor discussed putting jets into the Island Airport. If the premier cares about Toronto, and no doubt she does, the part she cares most about is called Don Valley West. In Leaside (and all of South Bayview) her constituents  are dead set against more jets flying over these previously quiet neighborhoods. The Premier knows this truth like she knows her PIN number. We are thinking her constituents would not mind at all if she told Mr. Kelly, who is acting a little too cute by half, to take the advice of staff and leave this matter to the 2014 election, where the people will decide. Now, the poll released Tuesday which is said to show “nearly half” of residents want jets was done by Forum Research. For itself? Well, never mind. The Toronto Star has this story and there is no indication in it if the poll bothered to ask about noise — super quiet jet noise or ordinary jet noise.  There aren’t many silent jet planes, you may have noticed.