Premier talks of providing food to “vulnerable”

Premier Wynne is talking about a plan to somehow provide free food to those who have had spoilage in their refrigerators because of the ice storm. It is a bit vague but Ms. Wynne spoke of  “people who are vulnerable” saying her government has “reached out to food suppliers to try to come up with a way of compensating people and getting some extra food — or food vouchers, something to folks, so that’s what we’re working out over the next couple of days.”  The CBC said the province is expected to announce in the next 24 to 48 hours how the food distribution system will be organized for those facing a lack of food due to spoilage. There will be quite a good response it would seem to the idea of free food. There is no word if the free food will be advanced on the honour system. That is, anyone asking will be given food without a question. Nor is it clear if food banks will figure in this scheme.