Rowanwood residents bruised after 8-day outage

Rowanwood in happier times

The National Post’s Peter Kuttenbrouwer writes about the people on Rowanwood Ave saying “The New Year’s Eve party at the Grahams (on the Rosedale street) is back on, after Toronto Hydro restored power to the family of five at 2 p.m. Monday. No preferential treatment for this family. There will be hors d’oeuvres, hot entrées, teams squaring off at home-made trivia and lots of alcohol. There will also be lingering bitterness, after nine days without electricity. . . .”  Best bit from the story: “John Graham’s parents, Sandy and Bill Graham had come from England for Christmas. “’Luckily John’s parents said, ‘Don’t worry, we lived through the war,’ ” says Ms. Graham. ‘Cold flannel baths, that’s what we did during the war.’” “They helped the family boil kettles of water to wash dishes by candlelight.”  As extracted by Yonge and Roxborough News.  National Post (if you can get through the paywall.”