Ruthless execution of his uncle by Kim Jung-un

The world is witnessing a shocking Stalinist-like purge in North Korea.  As it unfolds, the ruthless character of the country’s little dictator, Kim Jung un, is being revealed.  Kim has had his own uncle, Jang Song-Thaek tried and then executed as an enemy of the state. Jang was arrested three days ago and has been systematically been condemned and humiliated for so-called failures. His actual killing however seems stunning. It is said that the once powerful Jang had become increasingly resented by his nephew, who at 30 years of age, is 37 years younger than Jang.  The execution has been made public in North Korea, where as in the past, fear seems to be the main diet of an impoverished and cowed people. The tyrant Kim has used all the tricks of terror politics. It is a device employed by Stalin, Hitler, Saddam Hussein and other dictators to have their victims dragged out of important public gatherings, all the better to frighten the rest of their followers in the audience. The state broadcaster KCNA branded Jang a “traitor for all ages”. Jang was executed on Thursday shortly after a special military trial, KCNA reported, after committing such a “hideous crime as attempting to overthrow the state by all sorts of intrigues and despicable methods with a wild ambition to grab the supreme power of our party and state”. In a viciously-worded attack, the regime accused Jang of betraying the trust of both Kim Jong-Un and his father Kim Jong-Il, saying he had received “deeper trust” from the younger leader in particular. Branding Jang “despicable human scum… worse than a dog”, the regime accused him of attempting to stand in the way of Kim Jong-Un’s succession, according to KCNA. Jang, who was married to the sister of the late Kim Jong-Il, played a key role in cementing the leadership of the inexperienced Kim. But analysts say the 67-year-old’s power and influence had become increasingly resented by his nephew, who is aged around 30. And China, the power broker that could put an end to the Kim regime sits and looks on.   BBC Friday, December 12, 2013