4 De Savery Crescent demolished in the Glebe

Updating previous post:  As The Bulldog reported in January, the house on the hill at 4 De-Savery Crescent in what some call the Glebe was living on borrowed time. Now it’s gone and another single family home will take its place. De Savory is one of three or four pretty streets that curve between Manor Rd. and Belsize Drive west of Mt Pleasant Rd. Residents say the home came down in just two days and from the size of the new excavation, it’s replacement will be a big one. Like re-sale homes to the east, residences here are all subject to possible demolition. At 4 De-Savery there is a good-sized lot, one side of which runs along Thurloe Ave, As readers of the South Bayview Bulldog will know, this is across the street from the now vacant site of Glebe Presbyterian Church.  That property is slated, on approval, to see the construction of six town homes over a common underground parking garage. There are many older homes on these streets and the evidence of the pressure is seen by the development going on along Manor and especially at the corner of Redpath Ave. We continue to wonder about the future of the old apartments at the corner of Penrose Road and De-Savery. In the photos we see the scrambled remains of the corner steps to 4 De-Savery. Below, the same steps when they were cloistered by evergreen bushes on either side when the home was still inhabited.