Cable cars to nowhere go — um — nowhere

The comments are frequently the most interesting part of a story. Here some people who read the 680 News site say what they think of a cable car to the Brick Works. First fellow, Peter, dreams it will be free. How charming. We like Frances comment to the effect that cable cars should go somewhere. 
  • Peter says: Free infrastructure for the city – go for it! Jan 15, 2014 at 01:14:52 AM 
  • Chris says: without seeing any type of plan, i don’t know how to answer this poll. who’s paying for it? there is barely anything down there for any businesses or commuters to benefit… unless there is more to this exploration than they are saying. as a Mountain Biker, might i be able to park up top and take it down to ride the valley? that would be nice… but I’m not paying for the installation. $2 up and down… for the convenience… sounds nice. but this better look good. and be future ready.
  •  Jan 14, 2014 at 05:24:06 PM fed up says: They must be smoking something ?? Another bird brain idea to stick the taxpayer with!! 
  • Jan 14, 2014 at 01:43:57 PM Annie Chow says: It did say “purely exploratory”. If you don’t try something on a small scale how are you going to expand it with less mistakes & wastage? 
  • Jan 14, 2014 at 01:11:51 PM Frances says: If it had a stop-over at the Brickworks on its way to a USEFUL location, YES; otherwise, spend the money on improving the subways/transit system. The Brickworks seems to be a SUNDAY outing only. What a waste! 
  • Jan 14, 2014 at 11:34:50 AM Peter says: 0UpDown0Mark as offensive Considering Brick Works is in an isolated location this this would have zero impact on traffic congestion. I’m also sure Brick Works would enjoy the extra revenue from the additional parking. IF Bullwheel International Cable Car Corp wants to pay for all of the installation and operating costs then sure, do it. 
  • Jan 14, 2014 at 09:44:46 AM ReplyShare:FacebookTwitter Cisiu Zammit says: they are allways coming up with new ideas but the ideas never get started all they do is talk?? 
  • Jan 14, 2014 at 09:30:20 AM Laura says: What is the point of it? It hardly seems like a solution to rush hour gridlock. Evergreen brickworks to Broadview is not very far and why Evergreen? Are they planning to turn it from a green-oriented space to a giant parking lot?!? As for the possibility of it becoming a tourist attraction, aren’t there better locations for it? A tram would be a fun way to get to the CNE grounds for instance!