How are you managing so far, South Bayview?

How are you doing so far South Bayview? The conditions are sloppy and the atmosphere is opaque but at least you can go outside without turning into a human Popsicle. On Twitter, Ingrid McGaughey says she is hoping the thaw will last long enough for her to chip the ice off her steps. But she fears the kids outdoor rink is gone. Melinda (not Melissa) Maldonado is saying she enjoys the mild temperatures of “le grand thaw” and sends a picture inset. Vraiment, Melinda. Kim Randall thanks drivers for sharing the road with “this puddle jumping runner.” Hey, we can relate, Kim.  But no matter how you smush it, we have mild temperatures across the area with a resulting mushy mess. Environment Canada is calling for 15 to 25 mm of rain as temperatures sore to a high of 8 C. Many residents awoke Saturday morning to a thick fog across much of the region, creating limited visibility for motorists.