Jersey betrayal of trust a lesson to all in politics

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It is among the most naked betrayals of trust seen in modern politics. The organized campaign by those working for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to shut down traffic lanes on the George Washington Bridge to punish a mayor who did not endorse Christie. The appalling emails are here. Click to enlarge and read. One of the conspirators confesses to feeling badly for the kids stranded in traffic on their way to school. The callous response from another perpetrator of this scheme says they are just the kids of our opponents. Christie ventured on Thursday into the town at the heart of a political scandal, offering a personal apology to the bustling, upscale community at the foot of the George Washington Bridge. Christie made the 70-mile (112 km) trip to Fort Lee from the capital of Trenton, where earlier in the day he held a news conference announcing the dismissal of a top aide, who critics say helped orchestrate massive traffic jams at the busy commuter bridge to exact political revenge against the town’s mayor.