Josh Matlow favours ranked rush hour routes

Josh Matlow (Ward 22) says he would be in favour of ranked rush hour routes which permit some streets to remain with a 4 to 6 p.m. rush hour prohibition. City council is planning to extend rush hour from the present 4 to 6 by an hour at each end — 3 to 7 p.m. It is a move which would appear to have profound impact on the ability of stores and restaurants on city streets to do business. Mr. Matlow said he was not the author of the motion to extend rush hour and took objection to a previous headline which called the city’s new regulations “Matlow’s Law.” He suggested that South Bayview might reasonably be retained in a 4 to 6 class. He said that as a resident of South Bayview he had an interest in seeing that the business district thrived. The city has decided to increase rush hour no-parking fines (to $150) and extend the hours of prohibited parking where posted. Mr. Matlow is a leader in the move to increase parking fines and argues the higher fines will ease congestion. He said he did not believe that it would increase what The Bulldog has called the victimization of shoppers who over-stay their limit without an intent to do so. It is not clear to those at TPS Parking Enforcement just when and where this new prohibition on parking will take place. Friday night 53 Division said however that briefing has begun on the new regulations. There seems little doubt about the intent of the city government or the impact on store owners.