Many would trade places with Jeffrey Boucher

The women who are waiting for Jeff Boucher to come home seem as decent and good as any man might wish. Boucher’s wife, Kirsten, says of him that he is a good husband and good father. She knows that her husband’s age, 52, represents a kind of statistical red flag in the life of many males. And she is able to understand. His daughter Bettina, 17, seems like a dutiful child who is deeply concerned for her dad. And his mother Mary has spoken compassionately about her son and her hope that he has just chosen to seek a little distance from everyday life. And there seems nothing seriously awry. This tall, fine-looking and athletic man would seem to have everything. Many would trade places with him in a flash. But the workings of the middle age mind and inevitable mortality can invade the most secure corners of paradise. There was money ($3,500) found in his filing cabinet at school but there is no reason to think there was the slightest impropriety. It was collected for a student ski trip yet to come and that bond of trust with the kids is fully in place. Indeed it is the perception of such an apparently satisfying life that makes the story of Jeffrey Boucher’a  disappearance so painful.  CBC