Olivia Chow denies PM offered job as Ontario LG

She just laughed

Reporter Steve Paikin says he put it to Olivia Chow directly. Had the Prime Minister offered to make her the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario? Her answer made Paikin write in his blog that the prospect of such an appointment was alive. All Ms. Chow did, by way of response, was to laugh and change the subject. But now that the idea is down in black and white, the NDP MP from Toronto is denying it. “It seems the rumor mill is in full force this morning. Let me be crystal clear, the reports of an LG [lieutenant-governor] offer are completely false,” Chow tweeted. Such a move by Mr. Harper, if accepted by Ms.Chow, would be seen as a kind of reprieve for those who think she is almost a certainty to be elected mayor of Toronto in the present municipal context
PM jokes about protest   
Elsewhere, Prime Minister Harper was targeted by protesters who say that “hundreds of millions of people” are dying because of climate change around the world. The apparent connection with this concern is the government’s determination to build pipelines and sell Canadian oil abroad.  Harper noted the presence of demonstrators on the stage within inches of him by saying after they were taken out that “It wouldn’t be B.C. without it.”  The protesters had merely walked into the Vancouver venue and were not questioned by security. Harper repeated his view that the Keystone pipeline will be built some day and said President Obama had “punted” the decision.