Sharon, Lois and Bram |
As readers of the The South Bayview Bulldog will recall, Josh Matlow (Ward 22) is the force behind a move to honour the popular children’s musical trio Sharon, Lois and Bram, Mr Matlow proposed re-naming the playground in June Rowland Park to this end. Previous post. That effort will come to fruition January 15, 2013, at the regular meeting of the Toronto and East York Community Council where the motion will be be put to a vote. It seems certain to pass. There was a curious detour to reach this happy destination because Toronto policy prevented city facilities from being named after living persons. All three of the memorable trio — Sharon Hampson, Lois Lilienstien and Bram Morrison — are still alive. An amendment to the policy was recently enacted to permit the naming. Sharon, Lois and Bram were a wholesome part of the childhood of millions of Canadian kids during the 1980s and 90s through their CBC program The Elephant Show, which also appeared Nickelodeon in the U.S.