Vortex this, you insufferable polar mass

There’s a cold alert, as if you needed to be told. For weather, South Bayview is like the south side of Mars today. Well, you can always duck into Chai or Second Cup, unlike Mars. An Arctic air mass (the hated Polar Vortex) has settled over southern Ontario, plunging much of the region into a deep freeze that is bringing wind chills as low as -35. Environment Canada is encouraging people to limit their exposure to the cold and bundle up when they head outdoors. (Well yeahhh!).  In Toronto, the temperature dropped to -20 C with a frigid wind chill of -30 overnight, creating dangerous conditions for homeless people who spent the night on the street. So that’s the sorry weather word. Do you want to know about the frozen streetcars? Well here it is because we have some space to fill. The cold weather is causing problems again for the TTC’s fleet of aging streetcars. Customers can expect longer than normal wait times on all streetcar routes due to weather-related equipment problems. Shuttle buses have been brought in to supplement streetcar service.