We don’t yet know the definition of new rush hour

Set to change?

A million questions would appear to await Denzil Minnan-Wong (Ward 34) when he holds a news conference Tuesday to discuss the city’s new rush hour parking prohibitions.  There has been seemingly no explanation thus far about plans to extend rush hour from the present 4 to 6 p.m. to a rather staggering 3 to 7 p.m. A similar extension is planned for the morning rush hour. Police have been unable to say just what the extension may mean. Will turn prohibitions like those in place at Welland and Moore Aves. be extended to reflect the new definition of rush hour? We do not know. But similar questions are likely to be asked all across the city as people wonder how much they will have to adjust, if at all, to changes in local no turn and no entry prohibitions. The extended rush hour may not impact local restrictions, but until we know — we don’t know.