Doolittle book deals with Mayor’s personal life

Star reporter Robyn Doolittle’s book Crazy Town goes into the personal life of Rob Ford, an  area that is typically given some privacy by big town commercial journalists  The argument seems to be that it is no longer possible to separate the personal from the public when it comes to the mayor. In particular, the book contains an account of a secret recording of Mr. Ford’s wife, Renata, pouring out her heart about Ford’s drug use.  Toronto Star  The Twitter thread #topoli contains much clucking and giggling over the Mayor’s behaviour in Vancouver if you are still listening. 

  1 comment for “Doolittle book deals with Mayor’s personal life

  1. Who elected the Toronto Star or Doolittle? Quite self-righteous. One almost feels sorry for the mayor and his family. (Please note, I said “almost.” :)) )

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