The petite lady all bundled up in coat and toque is shoveling the snow. Does she live at that house? Isn’t she the school crossing guard? Until you know what goes on around the corner of Manor Road and Cleveland Street you may be a bit mystified by Elizabeth. “There are some people in the neighbourhood who go above and beyond the proverbial call of duty,” says resident Helen Godfrey. Helen tipped off The South Bayview Bulldog to the good deeds of the energetic Maurice Cody crossing guard. As Helen told us, and we confirmed with with our eyes, Elizabeth “hates to stand around and do nothing. So while waiting for the kids to return from lunch, she fills the time by clearing the four corners of snow and ice. They are pristine, no snow banks to climb over, no ice to skid on, no slush to mush through! Many thanks Elizabeth.” Thanks and high praise are certainly in order for this positive lady who has served at Cody for some time. In fact, when we dropped by, Elizabeth had moved up the street a short distance and was clearing the walk of an elderly resident. Give this woman the local hero medal.