Leaside hearse gambit goes around the world

It’s one thing to be world-class and quite another to have a Leaside hearse making headlines in the United Kingdom. But the “sinister-looking” funeral vehicle that Toronto police have borrowed from McKinnon and Bowes Funeral Home is the toast of the online live-wire news pages of the  Mailonline.  Actually, the story is a re-write of the Toronto Star lark, freelanced off by an enterprising writer named (supposedly) John Hall. The funeral firm is located at 162 Wicksteed Ave. and specializes in overnight “transfers” as the trade has it. The borrowed hearse carries a TPS logo on the door and has been used to stop drivers who are seen texting or calling on their cell phones while driving. It’s a great attention-getting idea and we can only hope it will have an impact on the hard-core driver-texter-talkers in town.