Sutherland Drive sinkhole was six feet deep

Sutherland and Hanna

The sinkhole that took pavement six feet down on Monday (February 3, 2014) at Sutherland Drive and Hanna Road is just about filled and stabilized. Paving should occur between now and Monday, workmen said. The sinkhole appeared as the result of the frigid weather, according to those fixing it. The concrete support for the manhole in the centre of the intersection collapsed, dropping the sewer cover and surrounding pavement too far down for comfort. It wasn’t big enough to swallow a car but it would certainly have put most cars out of commission. TTC re-routed the 88 Leaside bus for a few days. Elsewhere with our weather, the city continues to dig out of the heaviest single fall of snow this winter.  The city has 200 salt trucks, 600 road plows and 300 sidewalk plows in its snow-clearing arsenal. A terrible accident near rural Orangville has killed a nine-year-old boy. He was pulled unconscious from a large snow bank by his mother after she went looking for the lad. He had somehow become buried in the collapse of the snow. Pictures courtesy