Best defense against “hatred” is an #ONpoli

THICK SKIN. It seems a terrible disservice to politics to suggest that Premier Redford was forced to resign because of misogyny. The news is full of opinion today that commits an excruciating torture on reality, treatment which happily Allison Redford never had to endure.  Someone in her party is said to have blurted that she was “not a nice lady.”  This sinister remark is offered up as evidence of hatred of women. That’s what misogyny means after all. Hatred.  But let’s talk politics. If it’s about anything, politics is about the growth of a thick skin. Ms Redford did not have to resign. Many find it rather crazy that she did. It reminds one a bit of Joe Clark’s sensitive feelings when he called a leadership convention to improve the 66 per cent support he got at a party meeting. Clark lost the following contest to Brian Mulroney. It was a mistake Mulroney never committed for all his self-pity. It seems beyond belief that the armour-plated soul of Kathleen Wynne would have been even slightly dented by the same complaints heard against Redford, a woman who won a resounding majority less than two years ago. Margaret Thatcher thought not once of resigning until she was told her party was about to un-elect her because it couldn’t win the next election. The lady (nice or otherwise) was not for turning. It isn’t a moment since reporters were whispering that the Senate fuss was just too much for Stephen Harper. He would have to quit. Yeah sure. Like #ban bossy, #silly misogyny should be consigned to the #boohoo bin.  Meantime, the Alberta PC caucus elected Dave Hancock, a five-term MLA as the new premier.