Island airport jets to see showdown April 1, 2014

Executive Committee voted 11-1 Tuesday to move ahead with negotiations on the necessary agreements to fly jet airliners out of Billy Bishop Airport on Toronto Island. Today’s vote moves the debate to City Council, which will meet April 1, 2014, where the same issue will be decided by the 44 members of council plus the mayor. A so-called tripartite agreement with Transport Canada, the Toronto Port Authority and the City of Toronto would have to be re-written to permit jets to land. That’s something which is specifically forbidden at present. The motion passed with the votes divided as follows: Yes: 11 Gary Crawford, Vincent Crisanti, Frank Di Giorgio, Rob Ford, Norman Kelly (Chair), Peter Leon, Giorgio Mammoliti, Cesar Palacio, Anthony Perruzza, David Shiner, Michael Thompson.  No: 1 Peter Milczyn.   Absent: 1 Denzil Minnan-Wong   CP24