Toronto Police Service begins its pedestrian safety campaign this Monday morning and one of the hopes is that drivers will try to make eye contact with pedestrians at intersections. In many communities in the U.S. it’s called the “Hey, I’m looking at you” campaign. During the week of Monday, March 10 to Sunday, March 16, 2014
TPS will be conducting the annual March Break pedestrian safety campaign. The “March Break, March Safe Campaign” is designed to promote the education, awareness and enforcement strategies intended to heighten public awareness of pedestrian safety. Collision analysis shows that so far in Toronto this year 75% of fatalities involve pedestrians. Many involve jay-walking. In South Bayview, the stretch of Yonge Street between Merton St. and Davisville Ave. is known to The Bulldog as “Jaywalk Alley.” Drivers have to be especially careful through this two block stretch. On a busy four lane street subway commuters race across Yonge without looking. Davisville is the only station on the Yonge line with no entrance on the east side of the street. On South Bayview Ave., drivers are typically pretty good about slowing to let pedestrians cross. But if a pedestrian you tuned out at #didn’tlook like the lady in the photo it can be dangerous. The cops also warn that the safety of children in the care must be a top priority.