Malaysia co-pilot was “religious” says his family

Reuters continues to lead the reporting out of Kuala Lumpur on the many aspects of the missing Malaysian jetliner story. Writer Niluksi Koswanage  files information that the 27-year-old co-pilot of the Boeing 777 had been known to invite women into the cockpit during flights. One such visitor, Jonti Roos, said she visited with the crew while en route. They smoked and chatted but nothing wrong occurred, she said. Friends and family of the co-pilot, Fariq Addul Hamid,  say he was religious and serious about his career. This comes as The New York Times publishes information that says the jet made strange manoeuvres after it reversed direction Saturday. It is said to have climbed to 45,000 feet, above it’s recommended altitude. It then descended to below radar levels, the story says. None of this seems to shed any light on where the plane went. It does suggest to some however that there was either a struggle to control the plane or that perhaps someone who was not fully trained to handle the jet was at the controls.