We hope Bayview Bits and Bites can stay alive

The Rotary Club of Leaside has decided not to go forward with the well-attended Bits and Bites event of last year. “I was on the Committee organizing Bits and Bites and I have to say I think it was a success,” says Sue Byford Co-Publisher of The South Bayview Bulldog. “The street was busy, the food was good and there was an awful lot of fun to be had.” Click the picture and see some of the things we noted in last June’s post in the Bulldog. Bits and Bites had South Bayview bopping along we headlined. It’s true, the work fell heavily on the Chairman of the Committee, Peter Bennett, who worked enormously hard to make it happen. He deserves the thanks of every merchant and property owner on the street. His decision this year is understandable in the context of the burden on him. We get it and we’re sure every sensible resident of South Bayview gets it. Rotary made only modest money — maybe $2,000 — in terms of fundraising. But The Bulldog would like to make two points: God never promised the hard-working soldiers of community good work that there would be no apathy. Especially early in the season following a terrible winter. Apathy is maddening and foolish on the part of people who should know better, but it comes with the territory. Second, the Rotary Club might well be disappointed with the monies collected but Rotarians have a motto — Service Above Self.  Peter Bennett lives that motto and the community might reasonably hope the same spirit is alive throughout this great service club.