Wynne no-show as laptop scandal boils #ONpoli

Voters will soon have a chance to act on how they feel about the gas plant scandal, it seems  Monday’s explosive morning at the Legislature has probably taken events beyond recall. The Premier was not present to answer questions about the “hard-drive erasures” scandal by which a Liberal aide’s boyfriend was paid $154,000 to eliminate all digital evidence related to the gas plant cancellation. It took him barely two months There is a whiff of a suggestion that the man, Peter Faist, was actually on contract to the government until very recent days.  The NDP marched out of the chamber to protest Ms. Wynne’s absence. PC leader Hudak insisted that the Premier was either complicit or willfully negligent in the lap top cleansings. This is so, he insisted, because she was “de facto premier” when the plan was hatched and that the computer work actually went ahead after her swearing in. Health Minister Deb Matthews conducted a spirited defense of the premier’s absence saying she had many events to attend. Reporter did not seem to buy that.  She said the Conservatives were guilty of “dirty politics”. Names named.