A library patron is just an ordinary customer

It makes one feel as bit unlettered to say the least not to know that a patron of the Toronto Public Library is merely a customer of that institution. Silly us. It began to get a little alarming when a person described as a patron wanted the library ro remove a Dr. Suess book for imaginary offenses to fathers  (see below). Not only that, the patron wanted the library to issue an apology to fathers. What could it mean?  By what incredible means did such a sorely misguided person become a patron of the library? Well, happily not by board approval. In fact, you just just sign up and get a card. Thank heavens, because the rather inflated patron designation was beginning to make it look like the library board didn’t know what it was doing. But it’s all right. A patron is a customer. Thank you for your patronage sir or madam. Bye now.