Watching the hand luggage drop on Air Canada

Bags and briefcases just keep on dropping

Dwayne Stewart posted a video on YouTube today that shows Air Canada baggage handlers dropping hand luggage off an approximately 20-foot set of steps into a bin at the bottom. This, rather than carry the bags to the ground as Air Canada policy requires. The hand luggage was being placed in the cargo hold because of crowding in the cabin. Global News first reported that Stewart was complaining about the handling of the baggage. He took the video while waiting on the tarmac at Pearson Airport and told the broadcaster that passengers on the Vancouver-bound flight were asked to check their carry-on luggage because there wasn’t enough room in the overhead compartments. He looked out his window and started shooting as a handler dropped several bags. “Sorry Air Canada, this is a fail,” he says while filming. In a statement, Air Canada said it is “extremely disappointed by the actions” depicted in the video. “This clearly goes against our standard baggage handling procedures which dictates that gate-checked bags are to be hand carried down to the ramp. An investigation into this has been launched.”  See video