Police investigating the reckless arson rampage in Bennington Heights think their best chance of getting those responsible lies in the now-closed Hasty Market at Bayview and Moore Ave. Forensic officers were all over the store Friday morning checking cameras and taking pictures of anything that might have a fingerprint or DNA on it. Here we see an officer taking pictures of the edges of broken glass. There is also word that some of the homes in Bennington had alarm systems which incorporated cameras directed at the street. The arsonist struck overnight — many residents say at about 3 a.m. — torching nine cars and one house. Media reports continue to say that the incident took place in Moore Park, but they did not. As locals know, the age-old division between areas and names runs along the Moore Ravine, with Bennington Heights on the east. It was part of the former East York and before that Leaside and continues to be much prized by some territorial Leasiders although Bennington residents frequently like to think of themselves as independent of everyone. Notwithstanding, it remains a part of Ward 26, which also includes Leaside and much of the former East York. Earlier Friday