Stephen LeDrew was saying on CP24 today that “we’ve got to get over Rob Ford.” “Yes,” said LeDrew’s on-and off foil for Ford silly-talk Ed Keenan. “We’ve got to figure out some way to do that.” Actually guys, a lot of people are there already. Honestly, it is number one on The Bulldog’s short (and long) list of things not to worry about. The Bulldog has also stopped worrying about bloated whale carcasses. Maybe we’ll pop in and see the ROM skeleton exhibit once it’s up and running but, you know, another day. The whales may explode, they may be seized by armed residents of Trout River or possibly parked underground at City Hall. We’re not worrying. Finally, we’re not going to worry about what’s online. The Ottawa shoosh-now lady says the government is gathering information about us online. Really. Should we expect a knock at the door? Eighty years ago, the feds were mining personal data from the phone book, city directory and our neighbors.