Residents fight 25-foot lot appeal in Moore Park

The Moore Park Ratepayers Association is fighting an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) that would permit the construction of two three-story homes on lots with 25-foot frontages. The lots would be created from the present property at 139 Glenrose Ave. (between Mt. Pleasant and Welland) which has a conforming home on an original 50-foot lot.  The MPRA says in a letter to its members that a successful appeal is likely to have a significant effect on the future development of the 1920s neighborhood. “We were very concerned.” says the letter, “about this because the minimum frontage in this area and much of Moore Park is 40ft. If this appeal were successful, it would likely act as a precedent for so many of the 50ft lots in Moore Park and we could see a rapid transformation as the developers push through further such severances. We see this as a major threat to our area.” The MPRAS says it was successful in stopping this plan at Committee of Adjustment but the developer has now moved on to the OMB where the matter will be heard on June 9 and 10, 2014.  The letter says a residents group and the MPRA have come together to raise funds to retain the professionals needed. A trust account has been opened and cheques may be sent to Ross Marshall, payable to the “Ross Marshall Trust” at 134 Glenrose Ave, Toronto ON M4T IK8.  Also, cheques may be made payable to the MPRA and sent to the Treasurer, Peter J. Gordon at PO Box 43525, 1531 Bayview Ave, Toronto, ON M4G 4G8.