“Declined ballot” the first turn on the road to Hell

You may be certain that democracy’s great reformers, every single one of them  from Lord Grey (Reform Act 1832) to Canadian rebel democrat William Lyon Mackenzie (Upper Canada Rebellion) would snort in derision at the idea that voters might actually go to the polls and elaborately refuse to cast their ballots. Only this cossetted and self-involved society could conceive of an idea so stupid, so arrogant. A story linked below in the Huffington Post floats the notion for those who are “unconvinced and unimpressed” and who want to vote “none of the above.”  Really. The idea raises fecklessness to a new level. Democracy isn’t about liking the people who are running or getting your issue all fulfilled on a platter. It isn’t about sulking because the political process isn’t neat. People died to create the democratic way. Stalin and Hitler laughed at “none of the above.”  Are you stamping your feet about the gas plants? Pouting because that silly Tim Hudak can’t count? Well suck it up baby. Get busy and meet the candidates. Maybe you want to vote for a one-issue candidate. Fine. That can be your protest. After the election, you’ll have the right to complain. “None of the above” is the first turn on the road to Hell. Huffington Post