MMVA the essential big media self promotion

Kendall and Kylie Jenner
It is no doubt historic, as music awards go, and the Much Music Video Awards tonight will be fun for their young adherents. But no honest assessment of the MMVAs as an event can deny that they are the quintessential big business self-promotion served up as news.  The Much Music awards were a creation of the former CITY-TV 25 years ago. Now it’s owned by Bell Media. So is the awards show. So is CP24 ,which inherited the all-news mantle from CityPulse News and so is the CTV Network. Tonight (Sunday, June 14, 2014) on an admittedly slow news night, the MMVAs are the top of the news agenda. And there’s talent in there somewhere. We’re sure of it. Never mind that the hosts are that made-up-out-of-nothing pair Kylie and Kendall Jenner of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. That’s Kendall and Kylie inset in an unknown make-believe moment which is said to be a promotion for the MMVAs. That is what they are famous for. Talk about a vehicle that defies the gravity of rational value — except of course that people will pay for anything. And enjoy it. So enjoy.