Things pretty much the same on South Bayview

The Bulldog likes to believe that everyone does his best and so when the stylish but now soiled trash bins with the foot-pedal action become clogged with rubbish, hey, we assume someone will be along soon to remove it. Work is underway to grind down the stone and cement composition which sits between our trees. We have come to call it Terrazzo 2. Terrazzo 1 you will recall, turned to gravel with the first snow last winter. Let’s see how Terrazzo 2 manages. At the north end, merchants are bemused by the appearance of the plastic flower boxes, six of them, which now look like they are having a convention from the corner of Parkhurst Blvd. down to about Dolly Jewellers at 1699 Bayview. As we say, everyone does his best in this scribblers digest and thus Councillor Parker has produced these very nicely planted boxes on the street, however odd their clustering, and we thank him.