53% of Scots say “No” to independence: Poll

The latest polling in Scotland suggests that 53 per cent of the more than four million residents are opposed to separating from the United Kingdom. If so, it will be a blessing for that country as a multitude of divisive issues awaits a so-called independent Scotland. The Mail Online says that a record 4,285,323 Scots have registered to vote, a number pushing towards 97 percent of electors. There is worry about everything from who owns the energy, to the future of the pound, revenue transfers to Scotland from London and Scottish access to the EU if the Yes side wins. Recent days have seen polls which suggested sentiment in the tiny land had turned in favour of independence. Scotland is a nation which sometimes seems to have peopled the world during the expansion of English settlement in North America and elsewhere. Fears have grown that it might languish like Slovakia did after the abrupt dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993. The vote is a week today on September 18, 2014.  Mailonline.