Josh Matlow (Ward 22) has published details of a mediated settlement for the development of the Art Shoppe site between Hillsdale Ave.E. and Soudan Ave. The developer took his proposal for a two-pronged condominium with towers topping out at 38 and 29 storeys directly to the Ontario Municipal Board. As reported by Mr. Matlow in a recent ward update, the City was able to work that idea back to what he describes as “one 28-storey tower on the north side stepping down to a 12-storey midrise on the south side.” In addition, says the Councillor, the building will step down to six storeys on the east side (which is what homeowners will be looking at). Matlow says the 12 storey limit n the south helps to “protect Yonge Street south of Hillsdale from being developed with heights greater than midrise.” There was also a concession by the developer who apparently handed over two houses on Soudan which will be developed into a new park of about 1,100 square metres and connected to an existing park on Hillsdale.