Dr.Zane Cohen |
Reporters are chuckling, and possibly smarting, from their meeting with Dr. Zane Cohen, the colorectal expert who is treating Rob Ford. On Twitter tonight Dr. Cohen is portrayed as an A Type practitioner who was not going to brook any media rowdiness at his news conference. Reporter comments include these: “No speculation whatsoever and no shouting allowed. Impressive.” Another: “Dr. Zane Cohen takes control of this presser. Shushing reporters, demanding questions come one at a time.” Sun scribbler and Twitter boss-operator Don Peat said simply “Shhh! Who’s next?” And finally Dexter the Dog has asked in a tweet: “Is there a Zane Cohen parody act yet? Envisioning a combo of Chuck Norris, Edward Scissorhands, and John Houseman in Paper Chase.” Excellent Dexter.