Residents of a Moore Park neighborhood are fighting to save the nearly 90-year-old architectural lamp posts that adorn a short length of Rose Park Drive. Electricians were working Tuesday to repair again one of the old street lights but they have warned homeowners that the wiring system needs to be replaced. The wires are made of lead and the lamps do not meet code. City staff has recommended that the lamps be retro-fitted but this can only happen if they are in good enough condition for this work. A big safety concern is that none of the poles are grounded. There are ten of the lamps on Rose Park between Welland Ave and Hudson Drive. The Moore Park Rate Payers Association and Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam have been asked to throw their weight behind the effort to save the lamps. In other parts of Toronto, like Rosedale’s Chestnut Park Drive, historically correct replacement lamp posts have been installed. They make a magnificent contribution to the neighborhood. Previous post