Jean Charest liked to remind Quebecers that all the nice ideas and feel-good arguments in the world could not change the awful truth. Separation from Canada was a Black Hole which contained nasty things that no one could guess at. The country owes Charest a debt of gratitude for his patriotism in this regard. Now the Scots are being enticed with dream-like appeals to be independent from the U-K. The referendum is Thursday, September 18, 2014 and the surge of Yes sentiment is said to be pushing Scotland perilously close to the edge of the black hole. But the best research says that as of September 15, polls showed the race is very close with a small “no” lead and a very heavy turnout. Here’s the kicker. Many places around the world have a stake in the Scottish vote. The Chinese go crazy in the politburo when democratic countries start talking about parts separating. The deepest fear of the red mandarins is that China will explode in separation frenzy. And oh, the separatists in Quebec will be looking at how they can use whatever happens in the Highlands to take apart this country.