Readers have been touched and upset by the appearance on Bayview Ave. of a woman who is apparently in need of help. Some have put their own name on her medical condition but we are not physicians. We do know that as she sat in a wheelchair at the corner of Bayview and Belsize Drive that she was visited by police who had been called by a member of the public. On the back of the chair and also scrawled on a suitcase and leather satchel, barely coherent and disturbing statements. “Shunning Outside — Better than Alone in my apartment” are the words of one scribbled series of complaints. “With chest pains and vomiting, crippled with bruises — overnight — Police controlling my phone — emails, barred at buildings, targeted….” The comments go on. This was the sight at about 3.30 p.m. on September 15, 2014. Was it a case for the city’s street outreach? What we do know is that Toronto police were called by citizens and that they talked to the woman. There is no other information available from the police at this time.