The broken window |
Lorna Beddall of Mode Suzan has an inspiring follow up to the story on the broken front window at her Bayview Ave. shop. She tells The Bulldog: “On August 21, 2014 some young adults (ages 19 and 20) were roughhousing and one of them knocked the other into my front window and shattered it. It was an accident. They called the police and waited for them to arrive. The police called me and when I arrived, he told me the boys offered to pay for the damages as it was their fault. We exchanged our information, cleaned up the broken glass and went home. The next day one of the boys called me and asked about the cost to repair the window. My deductible is $1000 so each boy would pay $500. A few hours later he arrived at the store with $500 cash. Three days after that I went to the other boy’s home and picked up the remaining $500. These well-brought-up boys accepted the responsibility for the damage caused. How wonderful! I offered to give them a letter of recommendation for their honesty. This is a lovely good will story to be shared with the fine people of Leaside.” Thanks so much for sharing this Lorna. Previous post