A parking enforcement officer is in hospital with non-life threatening injuries after he was hit by a car driven by a parent at Whitney Public School. The accident happened about 9.30 a.m. Friday morning (October 31, 2014) when the women was apparently trying to move her car to avoid a traffic ticket. Parents outside the school later said the woman had parked in a zone by the steps leading to the school’s front door. There is no parking permitted here although there is a pickup zone along much of Rosedale Heights Drive. Parents of Whitney Public School students are at odds with each other and with the police over a program of “stalking” drivers who leave their cars in illegal places while they pick up their kids. This on-going issue came to light with today’s incident. Parking at schools is an issue across the city. Frequently residents without children resent the deluge cars each morning and afternoon. They say parents park across driveways and in other illegal places. See post below
The kids of today are the taxpayers of tomorrow! The more they go to school, the more they will pay in taxes and thus our pensions. So lay off childless people!!!
What on earth does that have to do with a crazed, out of control Toronto parent plowing her car into a bylaw officer and sending him to the hospital?? I am a parent too but I don’t drive and park my vehicle like I own the entire roadway, and I respect other people’s property. You parents need to layoff and grow up!