Play Cafe changes it up with The Vintage Night

Jan Nguyen with daughter Ren
Jan Nguyen of Play Cafe at 1517 Bayview Ave. is mixing it up for one evening later this month with The Vintage Night on Thursday, October 23, 2014. It’s a partnership with Michelle Brickle who used to own the popular east end vintage boutique called Foxy Boutique. Michelle will be showcasing current, designer and retro/vintage clothing and accessories. For her part, Jan is keen to make Play Cafe a home for grown ups as well as kids. She cites the partnership that resulted in Date Night on Bayview earlier in the summer. This was a cross-promotional opportunity for both Play Cafe and local restaurants. After parents dropped off the kids at Play for babysitting services they then leisurely dined at participating restaurants like Satay on the Road, Lemongrass, Amaya, L’Avenue and La Croisse  It is an innovative and enterprising concept. Says Jan:  I’m personally really exciting about this event because it’s again, an opportunity for Play to be seen as more than just a “kid” space. I think having an open mind about sharing the space and offering our venue to those who have great things to sell but might not have a place to sell it at is a win-win for all. We welcome more of these collaborations.”